Criterion 4.1. Use of unbiased and objective methods and procedures for selecting and admitting students, as well as the elimination of unjustified barriers to admission of potential students

Full information about the rules and selection criteria for interested parties is available on the AIU website (Link to the website). Admission of applicants is carried out in accordance with the published regulatory documents on the official website of the university:

● AIU Admissions Committee Regulations (

● AIU Admission rules (link:)

● Regulations on the Examination Board (link:)

● Regulations on the Appeals Commission; (link:)

● Functional duties of the Chairman of the Admissions Committee (link:)

● Functional responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman of the admissions committee; (link:)

● Functional responsibilities of the executive secretary of the admissions committee (link:)

● Functional responsibilities of the Admissions committee staff (link:)

The university's website also contains the contract price (Link to the contract price website).

The composition of the University admissions committee is approved by the order of the rector, who is the chairman of the SC (Order on the composition of the Admissions Committee).

The candidacy of the executive secretary of the selection committee is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In order to attract potential students to the "Medical Business" educational program for foreign citizens, AIU has signed agency agreements (Agency Agreement).

AIU made commercials for advertising (Link to videos about AIU), produced brochures (AIU Brochure) and prepared a presentation (presentation about AIU), the agent held meetings to attract potential applicants in Pakistan.

Documents are accepted, invitations are sent, and visa applications are submitted by the AIU International Department (Invitation letter; Photo of the e-visa personal account).

Entrance tests are conducted by the AIU in the form of a blank test in 3 subjects (biology, Chemistry and English) (Example student admission tests). The time and date of entrance tests are posted on the bulletin board in a timely manner (Schedule of entrance tests). Entrance tests are held in the lecture hall with the possibility to distance applicants from each other, technical means of applicants (mobile phones, tablets) are stored at the entrance to the room, the lecture hall is equipped with video cameras, photo and video recording of the procedure is carried out.

Entrance tests and separate test keys are stored in sealed envelopes in a safe.

The authenticity of the submitted certificates is checked on the website (specify the link)

The results of entrance tests are posted on the AIU bulletin board (Results of entrance tests on the bulletin board).

All conflict situations are resolved by the appeals commission.

After the applicant confirms their desire to study at AIU, the rector's order for enrollment is issued (rector's order for enrollment in the 1st year).

4.2. Transparent and consistent application of the student admission rules, process and criteria

AIU regulatory documents are developed in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic and the "AIU Admission Rules" (AIU Admission the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Invitation letters were sent to all applicants who applied.

During the entrance tests, video and photo shooting is conducted.

The executive secretary of the admissions committee, the Deputy Chairman and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee control the admission process.

To resolve disputes, an appeal commission was established by the order of the Rector of AIU (Order on the composition of the Appeal Commission), which is guided in its work by the Regulation on the Appeal Commission (Regulation on the Appeal Commission). There were no applicants to the appeals commission.

Upon completion of the work of the admissions committee, the final report of the Executive Secretary is reported to the Academic Council of the University (Minutes of the Academic Council "Final report of the Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee").

Criterion 4.3. Obtaining complete and timely information and advice to students on the chosen educational path, as well as academic mobility programs and career opportunities

For the first semester of study, it is recommended to create a curriculum in full accordance with the working curriculum.

The Dean's office coordinates the work of departments on the formation of an information package of the educational program for the upcoming semester, which includes: academic calendar, general academic regulations, semester with an indication of the volume, schedule of disciplines, summary of disciplines. (link)

Permission to register for academic subjects of subsequent semesters is granted to students who have studied all mandatory academic subjects prior to the upcoming semester (prerequisites).

A student is considered to be finally registered for the next semester after the dean's office has accepted his payment of tuition fees.

First-year students take a guided tour of AIU's clinical databases.

After entering the University, students in their chosen specialty receive information about career opportunities from the administration, curator and teachers.

Academic mobility of students is possible when creating a procedure for objective recognition of qualifications and periods of study of previous education in order for the student to achieve the expected learning outcomes, which is regulated by the"Regulations on the procedure for transferring, expelling and reinstating students". The Dean's office examines the transcript of the translator and determines the difference in credits in the disciplines, the information is fully provided to the applicant.

Considering that OOP HPE "Medical business" (with a training period of 5 years) It is the first level of higher professional education, and the graduate has no right to work as a doctor without obtaining a diploma of the second level of higher professional education "clinical residency". Students are provided with information about the possibility and procedures for admission to clinical residency of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Academic mobility of students is possible only after the end of the second year of study.

Criterion 4.4. Availability of clear procedures and tools for collecting, monitoring and following up on information about students ' academic achievements

To collect and monitor information about students ' academic achievements, AIU has implemented the Google Workspace for Education system, which keeps records of academic performance, attendance, and quality control of training. This system allows interaction between teaching staff, administration and students on academic performance issues.

Upon admission, each student is assigned a personal login and password, which allows access to the student's personal page in the Google Workspace for Education system, where students have access to monitor their academic achievements. Students can monitor their academic achievements and make decisions to improve the quality of their knowledge. The student's personal page is constantly available, including from abroad, which allows you to easily and timely receive the necessary information.

The AIU Dean's Office collects information for monitoring and then processes the data. The report on the results of the semester is considered at interdepartmental meetings, the QMS and the Academic Council.

Information about students ' academic achievements is provided by departments and curators of groups to the dean's office for encouragement, which helps to stimulate students.

At the end of the semester, distinguished students were awarded certificates of honor, and letters of thanks were also sent to their parents.

Criterion 4.5. Providing an educational organization with an objective recognition of qualifications and periods of study of previous education in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes of students and promote their academic mobility

Objective recognition of qualifications and study periods of prior education is a key element in ensuring students ' success in their ongoing studies and promotes academic mobility. The recognition procedure is regulated by the Regulation on the Procedure for Transfer, Expulsion and reinstatement of AIU Students (link).

If you wish to transfer from another university to AIU, the student submits a personal application addressed to the rector. This application must be accompanied by copies of your credit card, 12-year education certificate, and passport. For universities that use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), a transcript is also attached.

Transfer of a student is carried out on the basis of an attestation conducted by the attestation commission, which reviews the submitted documents. This commission is formed by order of the Rector of AIU under the chairmanship of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

After the application is received, the UME determines the academic difference in the RUP within three working days, which should not exceed (specify the number of credits). This difference must be eliminated by the student during the current academic year. For each failed credit, the student must pay in accordance with the RUP.

The attestation Commission, after reviewing the application, forms a protocol, which becomes the basis for making a decision by the rector of AIU. If the decision is positive, the rector sends a request to the student's previous university to provide all the necessary documents on the basis of which the student was enrolled in that university. The AIU Rector may allow a student to attend classes until all documents are received.

After receiving all the documents, the UME checks them for compliance and, if approved, issues an order to enroll the student in the AIU. Entries about re-enrolled subjects and about the elimination of academic differences are made in the student's study card.

If a student from AIU decides to transfer to another university, they will receive all the necessary documents, including an academic certificate, transcript, data on additional training and achievements, to ensure that their period of study at another university is recognized.

Criterion 4.6. Provision of the educational organization to students who have completed their studies in accordance with the educational program and have achieved the expected learning outcomes with an educational document confirming their qualifications, including the achieved learning outcomes, as well as the content and status of the education received and certificates of completion
Students who have successfully mastered the PLO HPE "Medical business" (for a period of study of 5 years) are admitted to the state final certification.

The procedure is described in the AIU GIA Regulations AIU Regulations).

The GIA ends with the issuance of a state-issued document on higher professional education with the assignment of the corresponding qualification. This procedure for issuing diplomas is regulated by the "Regulation on the Procedure for Production, payment, storage, issuance and accounting of state-issued educational documents", approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Resolution No. 346 of May 29, 2012 "On Approval of Regulatory legal acts Regulating the activities of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education of the Kyrgyz Republic".

There are two categories of education diplomas issued : the "General Standard" diploma and the "Honours" diploma.

The diploma indicates the full name of the educational institution, the initials of the graduate, information that allows you to fully identify the content and quality of the education received by its owner (basic grades in the disciplines of OOP HPE), standard and actual terms of study, qualification with an indication of the specialty, direction of training.

TheAIUapproved the Regulation on the European Supplement Supplement(Regulation on the European Supplement Supplement).

The first release inAIUplanned for 2025.

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