Criterion 2.1. Availability of clearly formulated, consonant with the mission of the educational organization and meeting the requirements of state educational standards, educational goals of educational programs.
The main educational program of higher professional education (hereinafter - OOP HPE) in the specialty-560001 "Medical business" minimum level of education accepted for training: on the basis of 12-year basic secondary education, (the term of study is 5 years), implemented inAIU, is a set of regulatory documents developed and approved by the university, on the basis of state educational Standard of Higher Professional education (SSE HPE)and the international requirementWFMOThe goal of the PLO in the specialty "Medical care" (training period of 5 years) is to train a specialistfor the healthcare system, in order to improve the quality of life of people and society by strengthening the digital competencies of a doctor(link to thePLO HPE 560001 "Medical care" training period of 5 years)
The main educational program of higher professional education is a structured plan of the educational process developed by an educational institution to achieve educational goals and objectives. It includes compulsory and selective disciplines, internships, research projects and other educational activities, ensuring that students acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in accordance with the chosen specialty or field of study.
Criterion 2.2. Availability of expected learning outcomes developed with the participation of representatives of professional, industrial and service organizations that reflect the labor market and meet the goals of the educational program and formulated in universal and professional termsThe OOP competence matrix is a structured table that describes the relationship between the competencies that students need to master in the educational program and the academic disciplines in which these competencies are developed and formed. Each column of the matrix corresponds to a specific competence, and each row represents an academic discipline. The matrix cells indicate the levels of development of the relevant competencies that students should achieve after studying each academic discipline. This matrix allows you to organize a structured and systematic approach to the development of students ' competencies within the educational program. (Competence matrix)
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Competence matrix
The training load for the 560001 "Medical Science" educational program (5 years of study) at AIU is conducted in accordance with approved state educational standards and curricula.
The curriculum functions as a key document that sets the parameters of the learning process. Study plans include:
The curriculum defines a logical sequence of mastering cycles and sections of the educational program (disciplines and practices), which contributes to the formation of competencies. All plans are developed at the departments in cooperation with the Teaching and Methodological Department and the Dean's Office, discussed at meetings of the teaching and methodological Council and approved by the rector of AIU.
The structure of the educational program and the labor intensity of its development are determined by the plan, and measured using a unified unit-credit.
AIU uses the ECTS credit training system.
Specify the labor intensity of each element in the credits.
The total labor intensity of training in the program is 320 credits for the entire period of study. The labor intensity of one academic year is at least 60 credits, and one semester-30 credits. One credit is equal to 30 hours of student's academic work.
The curriculum load is clearly defined and meets the requirements of state standards. The class schedule is based on the working curriculum, calendar schedule and special instructions.
The curriculum provides for a uniform weekly load of the student during the entire period of study. The maximum weekly workload of a student is set at 54 hours.
The academic year ends according to the curriculum and calendar schedules. The total amount of vacation time is 7-10 weeks, including 1-2 weeks of the winter period.
Classes are held in accordance with the schedule of the educational process approved by the UME ).In addition to employees, the AIU includes employers in the process of discussing and developing the Vision, Mission, Goals, Learning Outcomes, and OP. Their recommendations and suggestions are taken into account and reflected in the relevant order.
As the training quality management system was implemented at AIU, a questionnaire for students was developed in accordance with the principles of quality management (link).
The goal of the survey - to determine the level of student satisfaction with studying at AIU and to establish the level of quality of educational activities-was achieved.
The survey analysis allows the AIU to understand their motivation, interests, and plans for graduation. Additional educational needs of students are also identified, which are reflected in the adjustment of the educational process, for example, by including an elective course.
The results of the survey are discussed at a meeting of the Quality Committee and the Academic Council with the participation of all interested parties. All suggestions will be taken into account when preparing for the new academic year, with the improvement of the educational program.
Criterion 2.5. Provision of places by the educational program for all types of practical training provided for in the curriculumAt the time of its foundation, AIU has contracts with clinical databases:
"Professor Asymbekova's Clinic"
Research Institute of Balneology and Rehabilitation Treatment,
«Muhammad Mushtaq Khan Memorial Ghauri GENERAL HOSPITAL»
where it is planned to conduct practical activities of students.
In addition to the existing medical facilities, AIU is planning to build its own clinic at Chui 230. This new project is aimed at creating a specialized medical center, the main focus of which will be planned diagnostic surgery. Direct contact with patients will help students develop important interaction and communication skills that they can apply in their future medical practice. Students will work and study with leading specialists in the field of elective diagnostic surgery.
It is also planned to create a virtual clinic based on virtual reality helmets.
The main advantages for AIU students will be:
AIU attaches great importance to the relevance of the educational content offered to students. To ensure this relevance, the University performs the following actions::
AIU has implemented a modular-point-rating system, according to the document "Regulations on the modular-point-rating system".(Regulation This system is the main tool for evaluating students ' academic achievements, allowing them to accurately and objectively measure their progress in learning. All evaluation criteria in the AIU are aligned with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which is confirmed by the corresponding compliance table. (link:)
Academic performance of students is under the direct control of departments, UME, dean's office: (link:)All reports are discussed by the Academic Council, after which appropriate decisions are made to improve the educational process.
Criterion 2.8. Identification of processes and responsible persons (services) for monitoring and periodic evaluationThese documents clearly define the responsibilities and levels of responsibility of AIU departments and employees in organizing and regulating the educational process.
Responsibility for monitoring and periodic evaluation lies with the heads of departments, the dean, the head of the educational and methodological department, the head of the quality management Department, as well as the Vice-rector for Educational Work (Orders on appointment to positions; Job descriptions).
Criterion 2.9. Analysis, discussion with the involvement of interested parties of the results of monitoring and periodic evaluation and its use to improve the organization of the educational processMonitoring of student performance was carefully considered and discussed at a meeting with the participation of the educational and methodological department and the Quality Management Department (Minutes of the meeting), then it was presented to the Academic Council, which includes all interested parties: management, employees, teaching staff, students, employers (Minutes of the Academic Council).
Detailed monitoring results will be available here.
Also, an online anonymous survey of students was conducted on the questionnaire "Student Satisfaction Questionnaire" (the questionnaire was approved by employers). The results of this survey were presented at the Academic Council (Minutes of the Academic Council), where they were unanimously adopted.
The results of the monitoring were shared with all AIU employees.
The Quality Management Department conducted a survey of employees and teaching staff using the questionnaire "AIU Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire". The results of the survey were presented at the Academic Council, where all interested parties were accepted.
The results were shared with all AIU employees.
In the course of the conducted surveys, students noted that the AIU fully meets the requirements for providing the necessary resources. The Institute fulfills all the necessary conditions specified in the State Higher Professional Education Standard for the provision of an educational program.
Criterion 2.10. Compliance of the educational and methodological support of the educational program with educational goals, state educational standardsAt the moment, only 3rd-year students study at AIU. Accordingly, in accordance with the "Regulations on the educational and methodical complex", Educational and methodical complexes have been developed for the 3rd-year disciplines of the OOP HPE (Regulations on the AIU educational and methodical complex; List of Teaching methods of disciplines).
Educational and methodological support of the program corresponds to the goals of the program and the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. The internal document defining the norms, procedures and rules, diagnostic and evaluation procedures that ensure the assessment of compliance of the educational and methodological support of the educational program is the Regulation on the CMO (link:).
The AIU implements a system for assessing the quality of teaching through mutual visits to classes between faculty members, as well as control visits by the Quality Management Department.
All AIU classrooms and lecture halls are equipped with the necessary equipment for holding lectures, seminars and mass events.
The AIU Library collection is constantly updated, including electronic textbooks and manuals.
AIU has signed a contract withCochrane Libraryto provide unlimited access to a vast array of e-books and periodicals.
The educational and methodological support of AIU programs corresponds to the educational goals and state standards of higher professional education. Teachers and students have full access to these resources.
Criterion 2.11. An educational organization of higher professional education, in addition to the criteria provided for in paragraph 8 of these Minimum Requirements, uses the results of its scientific research in the educational processAt the moment, the AIU educational organization is actively working to implement the results of scientific research in the educational process, which is stipulated in paragraph 8 of the Minimum Requirements. Although at the moment there is no direct use of the results of scientific research in the educational process, it is planned to activate the research work of students (R & D).
AIU recognizes the importance of scientific research as an integral part of professional education and plans to provide opportunities for students to engage in scientific activities, develop and implement their own research projects.
It is expected that this approach will enrich the educational process with new knowledge and ideas formed in the course of students ' scientific activities, and will ensure the practical applicability of scientific results, which is important for high-quality higher education.